
While the gift is free, it cannot be earned, there is the condition that one must have the faith to accept the gift that has been offered.

Two prerequisites for that faith to be there:

1. A person has got to believe that God does indeed exist.

2. A person has to believe that God will reveal himself to the One who truly desires to find Him.

(Hebrews 11:6, my paraphrase)

An atheist cannot do that.



  1. So the conditions require individuals to suspend all critical thinking and simply take your – and that of other believers – word for it?

    Why would anyone do such a thing, especially when every deconvert I have interacted with – and including those I have read watched and listened to – has admitted that they expressed the same or similar sentiments and yet such belief is based on nothing more than feelings, largely as a result of some form of indoctrination?

    Furthermore, a number of these people were involved in ministry work, attended seminaries and even obtained the relevant qualifications to become pastors etc.
    If you doubt my words then go to https://clergyproject.org/ and read some of the testimonies from former Christians.

    So your statement: ”An atheist cannot do that.” is fallacious as all of the above mentioned who are now non-believers (atheist) were once ardent , devout Christians



      • You know how I would answer that, don’t you?
        I have known believers in Jesus who turned away to skepticism, or maybe even atheism.
        That doesn’t show me that God has lied, but that something stood in their way.
        Like the rich young ruler, or the king, or the governor, pilate.
        I was just wondering, did you ever know an atheist who became a believer in Jesus?


      • And once again you avoid offering a truly honest answer because you realise that you have absolutely nothing to offer to demonstrate why your particular god experience is superior to an individual who swears by Mohammed and Allah.

        Furthermore, I never suggested your god lied, because you have not demonstrated your god is real, thus all we have is your claim, which has about as much merit as stating Harry Potter spoke to me in a dream.

        I was just wondering, did you ever know an atheist who became a believer in Jesus?

        Personally? Never.


      • Two things I wish would happen.
        1. While I came from a background of “Christianity” I was just as much an unbeliever as you in that I lived as if, even if there was a God, what difference did it make? I wish, though, that you could talk to an Atheist who became a follower of Jesus.
        2. I wish we could be friends that could openly share joys and sorrows and things that are important to us.
        You don’t have to see physical evidence to hear what someone is saying and experiencing.
        You know my name ( yes, it is really Randy) but I don’t know yours. I live in Texas in the eastern part, I think you live in South Africa. You are a fantastic photographer who seems to love nature.
        I can appreciate that.


      • I wish, though, that you could talk to an Atheist who became a follower of Jesus.

        If you are unable to provide evidence for your claims then why would talking to a convert shed any more light on it?

        You don’t have to see physical evidence to hear what someone is saying and experiencing.

        Every human experience has a neurological and/ or physiological reason behind it.
        You claim your experience is because of Yahweh/Jesus.
        Evidence shows this is not likely to be true as other religious believers claim similar experiences with their god/s.

        As you all worship different gods, which is more likely? One of you is right and the other wrong or that you are both/all wrong

        You seem adamant that you are right so …. provide evidence.
        By and large I have no issues with what people believe – I believe lots of things that you would probably disagree with, but you notice I am not actively pushing my beliefs (unless I am at least able to provide evidence) or insisting I have been commanded to do so by any sort of ”higher power.”
        I confess to unintentionally ”indoctrinating ” my children regarding football. But it is almost certain they will not go to Hell if they choose to support a team other than Liverpool. Almost certain ….

        For the record. I do live in South Africa in Johannesburg.
        And thanks for the compliment re my photographs.
        My name is Douglas.
        I have used the name Ark for so long it has almost become a nickname.
        Use whichever one you prefer.


      • Interesting side note. When I was in college at Rice University, I walked on to the school soccer club. I had never played before, and I wasn’t that skilled, but, I was fast and became a starter. Scored one goal in three years. (Not a pretty goal either.) Bent it, but not like Beckham. My teammates called it a banana shot.
        When my coach moved me to fullback, I found my spot.

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